Start to Jerbourg
Section 1 : 6.0km / 3.7 Miles
Registration and the Start is located at the Visitor Information Centre on North Esplanade, St Peter Port from 4.30 am. There will be Marshalls on site to assist with the queuing process. The start closes at 5.00am.
On leaving the building make your way to the seafront through the town past all piers. After passing the first bay (Havelet Bay) ignore the road on the left that passes Octopus Restaurant and proceed up the hill (La Val des Terre). Take the footpath to the left 100 meters up the hill. Follow the path until it hits the outer wall of the Fort. Avoid the steps through the arch and bearing left following the path along the outside of the fort perimeter wall. After a series of short flights of steps the path turns right. Continue tracking along the Fort boundary avoiding the Clarence battery (the Cow’s Horn) to your left.
Keeping the stone wall to your right until you join a road. Turn left onto the road and walk to just beyond the turning point where you rejoin the cliff footpath.
Ignore paths joining from the right. Pass the unnamed granite steps that descend between granite walls on your left (Ozanne Steps). Then ignore path and the steps joining from your right, go down path leading to ‘Moorings’ (signed on low granite block to your left).
Ignore the next turning to the left for ‘The Moorings’, stay with the cliff edge overlooking Fermain Bay, taking two sharp lefts down a flight of steps into the bay.
Pass the Café and Loophole tower, over the footbridge and rejoin the cliff path. Ignore path joining from the right on the steps, take next left signed to Bec du Nez. Ignore the next left leading to Bec du Nez continue straight on.
Take next left by the seat down steps signed to Marble Bay and St Martin’s Point. Ignore the next three left turns (two to Marble Bay and one to La Divette) and continue towards St Martin’s Point. Just before the path leading to the point, turn right and ascend the long flight of steps to the car park and the Checkpoint above.
Click the menu below for further checkpoints